Saturday, January 28, 2012

A sentence is a grammatical unit that is composed of one or more clauses and phrases. English has four main sentence types: declarative, interrogative, imperative, and conditional sentences.
  • Declarative Sentences are used to form statements.
  • Interrogative Sentences are used to ask questions.
  • Imperative Sentences are used for commands.
  • Exclamatory Sentences used to express strong feelings.
Here is a site that contains several examples.


  1. The content of your post regarding a sentence is basic, yet it is a fact that I, myself, should learn from the basics. Is it our next topic in our discussion? :)

  2. I agree that it is basic. But always remember that the basic is the foundation of learning the complicated.

  3. Glenn is right. Sometimes, basics are the ones we always neglect unintentionally.


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