Saturday, January 14, 2012


Hello. I made some research about a topic which is also included in our first exam. It is about interjections. Interjections are words that can be added in a sentence and can be used to express an emotion. However, they are not grammatically related to any other part of the sentence. Here's a list that I found that may help you to know more about them and their meaning. Enjoy reading.


  1. "I made some research about a topic which is also included in our first exam."

    I made some research about a topic which was also included in our first exam.

    One must be consistent in verb tenses. ;)

    1. Jason, are you saying we already had our first exam?

    2. I agree with KC. It looks like we already had our first exam. Bonnie's sentence is correct.

  2. Nice. Thank you for this post. I never thought that words like those have bearings in English. I use those terms every time I am conversing with others, but I never realized that it is a part of English. :)

  3. Thank you for sharing about interjections.

  4. I thought interjections are few. I had fun reading the site.

  5. Thanks for the post. I didn't even know that interjections is included in our first exam.

    1. "I didn't even know that interjections is included in our first exam."


      "I didn't even know that interjections are included in our first exam."

  6. "I made some research about a topic which is also included in our first exam."


    "I made some research about a topic that is also included in our first exam."

    In your sentence, I recommend that you use "that" instead of "which." It sounds better. Sure you could argue that even if it sounds better it doesn't mean its correct ,but try to read it and hear.

    1. It can be like this:
      I made some research about a topic, which is also included in our first exam. It is about interjections(use comma before which).

  7. "Here's a list that I found that may help you to know more about them and their meaning."
    -- Here's a list that I found that may help you know more about them and their meaning (you can remove the word "to").

  8. I love how interjections are almost always grammatically acceptable. Yeah! Teehee. I could use interjections all day.


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