Saturday, February 25, 2012

It's Such A Relief

Early this morning we had our second long exam, and hopefully we could all pass the exam. The questions were very tricky. I had a hard time on several items that seemed so easy, yet it confuses me. There were some items that were easy, but I do not want to be complacent with my answers, so I still analyzed the items. I hope I could pass the exam.
Let us all thank God for guiding us earlier. Without Him, it would not be possible for all of us to answer the items in our exam. :)


  1. The exam still bothers me. :( I really hope that we could all pass.

  2. True. I do include the results of the exam whenever I pray. I hope that we can all pass.

  3. Oh my. I am hoping that we all pass the exam, and that we all pass English 1. Cheers to that!


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