Saturday, January 7, 2012


Homographs are words that have the same spelling but differ in meaning, origin and sometimes pronunciation. These are confusing especially when one is not familiar with the word.

  • A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
Bass- a kind of fish
Bass- a deep voice or tone/ lower in musical pitch.


  1. I find this Homographs very confusing. Even in Filipino language, there are words which the meanings I often mix up. Giving special attention to the words and using it as context clues will help you to avoid confusion. :)

  2. I find this Homographs very confusing. Even in Filipino language, there are words which the meanings I often mix up. Giving special attention to the words and using it as context clues will help you to avoid confusion. :)

  3. Homographs are very interesting to discuss. What may seem to be a simple word could have a lot of meanings. I really enjoy studying homographs.

  4. Homograph and homonyms have a difference.
    Homonyms are words that sound alike but have different meanings.
    Homographs are words that spelled the same but have different meanings.

  5. "Does homograph is similar to homonym?"


    "Is a homograph similar to a homonym?"

    "Are homographs similar to homonyms?"

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Stephanie,

    "I find this Homographs very confusing. Even in Filipino language, there are words which the meanings I often mix up. Giving special attention to the words and using it as context clues will help you to avoid confusion. :)"


    "I find Homographs very confusing. Even in the Filipino language, there are words with meanings I often mix up. Giving special attention to the words and using context clues will help you to avoid confusion. :)"

    You can actually omit "this" in your first sentence but if you insist on using it, use its plural form "these" to match "Homographs." You forgot to put "the" before "Filipino language."
    Why would you use the word as a context clue if you do not even know the meaning of the word?

  8. Now I know the difference between Homographs and Homonyms.

  9. According to Wikipedia, homonyms are words that share the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meanings. I guess homonyms and homographs are the same.

  10. Thank you for sharing this information about homographs.

  11. I did enjoy your post (the link) Tina. Thanks for sharing.

  12. I remember one of our topics in Philo 1. There are really some words that could bring confusion on arguments; and one of them is a homograph.

  13. It would be a great help to analyze the sentence and try to find out how the word was used in the sentence.


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