Saturday, January 21, 2012

Marriage :)

Marriage, also known as the Sacrament of Matrimony, is a very crucial stage in our life. A person should be stable, willing, faithful, and ready for all sorts of responsibilities, so that he or she could be qualified to get married. Yes, it is a fact that anybody can get married to whoever they want to, but they should be aware of the consequences of their decisions. Married life is not as simple as it may look like. It is like riding a roller coaster for the rest of your life.
Let us not hurry ourselves to be committed. Let us all enjoy life and just go with the flow. Let us be faithful to God that He will not let us fall into the wrong place.


  1. One must think twice before getting married. Why is your post about marriage?

  2. For me, marriage is something that is so important and sacred.

  3. Jaymico, you keep on posting blogs about love and other related topics. Are you in love?

  4. Marriage is really a serious thing. Jaymico, why you posted this topic on our blog? We're only allowed to post English-related topics.

  5. We're supposed to post something that will enhance our English skills. I like your post, though.

  6. I agree with your post, Jaymico. Marriage is a very sacred thing. We should always keep that in our minds.


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