Friday, March 9, 2012

Verbless novel

For us, an essay or a sentence without verbs would be like the Lewis structure on the picture below -- incomplete. Can you imagine writing an essay without using verbs?

Well, here's an amazing thing:
While browsing on the "Most ignored fact", I found something interesting. A french author Michel Thaler wrote a book with 233 pages without using any verbs on it. He said that, "The verb is like a weed in a field of flowers ... You have to get rid of it to allow the flowers to grow and flourish."
Fascinating, isn't it?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Weh, I don't believe, unless I see it, that anyone can actually write a verb-less composition. A novel! with 233 pages having no verbs!

    I'm just joking. Hehehe..

    However, is it really possible to write a verb-less novel? I'm looking forward to see that novel.

  3. I agree with Darwin. It really sounds impossible to have a novel, with 233 pages, without using any verb at all. If this is true, then, I salute the author of this novel.

  4. I can't imagine a novel without verbs, but it is amazing how he finished writing a verb-less novel.

  5. I think it's hard to write a verb-less novel. How can the author gave us an illustrative picture of the story without using any verbs?

  6. That sounds impossible. Well, I think he's amazing. Verbs are very important in English compositions. Without verbs, a sentence would be probably nonsense. Thumbs up for him! :)


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