Saturday, March 10, 2012

Writing an Analogy Paragraph

Since the class is going to have a writing activity about an analogy paragraph next meeting, I want to share a link where there are steps on how to write an analogy paragraph. I hope that the link would help us have an idea on how to write an analogy paragraph.

Here is the link:



  1. I think whenever we are to write paragraphs based on analogy, one thing that we should be careful is that we should have a clear topic on where we are going to base our analogy. This is a thing that I pointed out just to have a strong view on the topic.

  2. I found the site you have posted very helpful. Thank you.

  3. Analogical paragraph seems to be interesting to write. I'm just worried about thinking a good topic.

  4. I love reading topics that are analogical, but I found it difficult to write one. Thanks for sharing the link.

  5. Thank you for sharing the link with us.


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