Saturday, December 10, 2011

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

In today’s world, people are and must always be on the go. A person’s day wouldn’t be complete without struggling and surviving through the hustle and bustle of this modern epoch. We tend to forget a lot of things when there is so much to do in so little time. But there is one simple thing that we must never forget even if we are caught up with the razzles and dazzles of this busy world - placing PERIODS when writing/finishing sentences. It is important that we know the proper and appropriate uses of this punctuation mark when writing or typing academic papers.
Here's a link that will help us understand the punctuation mark Period [.] better:
Let's not forget to end our sentences properly. If things have proper endings/closure, it will be easier for us to move on. :)
- Mikko I. Ong, 08-07976


  1. You have a very nice and entertaining post Kuya Mik. The way you construct your post and the way it goes is just incredible.
    I agree with you that when things have closure, it would be easier for us to move forward because if closure is not given to a situation, the tendency is that we get to be trapped in it, and it's quite annoying.

  2. Putting a period in a sentence is really important because if we don't put a period in a sentence, the readers might be confuse.

  3. Period indeed is a very important punctuation mark because it tells when a sentences end.

  4. " A person’s day wouldn’t be completed without.." (second sentence).

  5. We must never forget to put periods and other punctuation marks in every sentence that we construct. Forgetting to put it or misplacing it will change the meaning of the whole sentence. :)

  6. How you introduced the topic is really interesting and amusing. Indeed, I won't forget putting punctuation marks properly and that no matter how busy I may be, I will never disregard more important things in my life.

  7. "Putting a period in a sentence is really important because if we don't put a period in a sentence, the readers might be confuse."

    Kyle, I just want to correct the last word in your sentence. It should be "confused".

  8. I like your posts, Kuya Mikko. You always relate our English lessons into an everyday situation. Indeed, using a period is very important.

  9. This post is not just about periods. Punctuation marks are indeed essential in writing.It is not only applicable in the English language we are currently learning. It also relates to the important situations in one’s life. Great post Kuya Mikko. :)

  10. I like your choice of words Kuya Mikko. I paricularly liked hustle and bustle, razzle and dazzle, and epoch. Good job Kuya Mikko. :)

  11. A very nice post Kuya Mikko. The way you constructed the post is so interesting. :)

  12. An intelligent post. A simple topic yet you can make it so interesting. Now I will make sure my punctuation marks especially my periods will always be present. Good job Kuya Mikko. :)

  13. JC,

    "Period indeed is a very important punctuation mark because it tells when a sentences end."

    "The Period indeed is a very important punctuation mark because it tells when a sentence ends."

  14. I wonder if I should end this sentence: "Thanks for the post", with a period.

  15. Thanks for posting this interesting and informative topic Kuya Mikko. Indeed, you're great when it comes to English.


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