Let us move on to the Adverb phrases. They are formed by an adverb and any modifier. It is important to know the primary grammatical functions of Adverb phrases in the English language. Here's the list:
1. Adverb phrase head
2. Adjective phrase modifier
3. Adverb phrase modifier
4. Verb phrase modifier
5. Adverbial
6. Adjunct
The site tackles its uses and several examples for learners.The proper usage of different adverb phrases must be learned to be comfortable enough while using them in daily conversations. If you desire for a printable study sheet, the site below provides one.
This is quite a hard topic to comprehend with that you posted. Anyways, I will try to understand it because if I would not be trying to learn it, then I would not be worth of using the language.
ReplyDeleteThe different functions of adverbs may be a hard topic but if we will be able to understand it, it will be very useful in writing.
ReplyDeleteThis is the first time I heard of the word "adjunct". Thanks for sharing the functions of adverb phrase.
ReplyDeleteIt is also my first time to encounter the word "adjunct" and it looks interesting to read about it.
ReplyDeleteThis will come in handy.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link, I have learned a lot of things.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this post Nikka. I'm somehow confused but I know it'll become handy when we discuss (even not everything) about these.
ReplyDeleteI found this topic difficult to understand. Anyway, I'll try to read more about this.