Saturday, December 3, 2011

Must vs. Have to

Should I use "must" or should I use "have to"?

The rules are:
"Must" is used when one do something because he/she believes that he must do it.

"Have to" is used when one do something because it is base on facts.

To understand it fully, please click the link—


  1. ""Have to" is used when one do something because it is base on facts" (last sentence).

    You should probably use the past form of the verb: ""Have to" is used when one do something because it is based on facts."

    -Angenica Martirez

  2. I MUST learn and accept English 1 wholeheartedly so that I can pass the subject this time around. I do not HAVE TO take it the third time. :)

  3. So that's the difference between MUST and HAVE TO. Before, they're just the same for me. This tip is very useful. :)

  4. I thought that MUST and HAVE TO were just the same. Thanks for informing us.

  5. I always interchanged the use of of "must" and "have to"

  6. Thanks for sharing this one. Now, I know that there's still a difference between "must" and "have to".

  7. This is a great reminder for many people. Thank you for informing!

  8. Jaymico i like your comment. I find it humorous.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I always interchanged these words because I thought they're just the same. Thanks for sharing!

  11. I spotted this sentence: "Should I use "must" or should I use "have to"?"

    There is no error with the sentence, but we can revised it in this way:

    "Should I use "must" or "have to"? (British English style)
    "Should I use "must" or "have to?" (American English style)

  12. Way back then, I am not aware of the differences between them. Now that I have watched the video, I will consider factors before I use MUST TO or HAVE TO. The video you have shared is really helpful. I found out that there are lots of English video lessons in that certain website.

  13. I always thought the two could be interchangeable. Thanks for enlightening me.


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