Saturday, December 3, 2011

They Must Agree or the Sentence Will Die

The third part of our activity regarding verbs is all about subject-verb agreement. I hope this post can help you answer those questions you have about this topic.

Whether speaking or writing, always remember that a sentence stated in present tense must have subjects and verbs that agree with one another in number. If the subject is singular, the verb must be also singular. If the subject is also plural, the verb must be plural. To illustrate the correct usage of this rule, here are some examples:

Incorrect: The student impress her teacher.
Correct: The student impresses her teacher.

For further explanations and examples:


  1. Subject-verb agreement is important to communicate clearly in English.

    -Angenica Martirez

  2. It is important for us to be clear in our sentences, for listeners will be confuse if we don't do so.

  3. Your post is very helpful. Subject-verb agreement is indeed important. I can't open the site you gave (

  4. I like the way you constructed your title. It's very catchy and it seems that I really have to make things agree or else I am about to cause the death of something.

  5. @Christina - Oh I see. I can't open it either. I'm so sorry dear. Anyway, I'll try to find it. :(

    @Jaymico - I got the idea from the image that I included in this post and changed it a little. Thanks though :)

  6. One of our common error in writing or even speaking is that the verb doesn't fits our subject.

  7. I took the quiz. Unfortunately, I got 4 mistakes out of 13 questions. Thanks for sharing this post!

  8. Thank you for sharing this helpful information.

  9. The verb must really agree to its subject.

  10. “They must agree or the sentence is dead.”

    I like the statement’s message. I’m sure all of us do not want any sentence to die. Haha. I cannot open the site you have given either. Anyway, I’m glad you shared a link wherein we can take a quiz on Subject-Verb Agreement. Thank you for this post.

  11. I got 3 mistakes. The quiz was fun. Thanks for sharing.

  12. This is a very basic English lesson yet many people still fail to apply it in their everyday use of the English language. :)

  13. Subject-verb agreement is one of the basic lessons in learning the English language but still I make mistakes regarding it. Thanks for the post. :)

  14. I got a score of 11, well not bad haha. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed the quiz :)

  15. I got 12! Subject-verb agreement is indeed confusing. ;)

  16. Nice title! Though, it's weird that it deviates from the sentence in the picture.
    Another thing, the phrase "whether speaking or writing" seems awkward. The phrase "whether you are speaking or writing" could have been more appropriate but that's just my opinion. :)
    Nice post, and again, nice title.


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